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The Trinsic Java SDK

The Trinsic Java SDK makes it easy to interact with the Trinsic API from any Java application. The most recent version of the package is found on the Github Release. You can find the SDKs source on Github.


  1. Add the urlFile code shown below to your build.gradle.
  2. Add the implementations as shown below to your build.gradle.
  3. Run gradle build to download the required jar files. This can take some time.


  1. Make sure you have the okapi native binaries installed on your machine. Default installation instructions are in the here
  2. If you install to a different location for debugging, use the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH, even on Windows.


If you want to included the two required Trinsic .jar files in your own application (android or other java), be sure to copy the following lines. They allow you to specify a remote file location as a gradle implementation target as shown below:

def urlFile = { url, name ->
    File file = new File("$buildDir/download/${name}.jar")
    if (!file.exists()) {
        new URL(url).withInputStream { downloadStream ->
            file.withOutputStream { fileOut ->
                fileOut << downloadStream
dependencies {
    // other dependencies
    implementation urlFile('', 'trinsic-okapi-1.4.0')
    implementation urlFile('', 'trinsic-services-1.4.1')

Next Steps

Once the SDK is installed and configured, you're ready to start building! We recommend going through the walkthrough next. If you're ready to dive into building your ecosystem, check out our API Reference

Start Walkthrough Explore API Java API Reference